
Supporting the Fastest-growing Teams  

Engineering is a rapidly developing sector, with a number of languages and skill sets inside it. It covers everything from developing a product or site to maintaining, testing and evaluating computer software, making software engineers an essential part of most tech teams. No matter what level of experience or which specific competencies you’re looking to hire, trg. can connect you with outstanding talent at our Engineering Roundabouts events.

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Upcoming Engineering Events
  • Agile Roundabout Nov

    Agile Roundabout Dive deep into the world of rapid iteration and flexible response. Meet experts who shape the agile landscape

    November 20, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at To be confirmed
  • Data Roundabout November

    Data Roundabout Dive deep into the world of rapid iteration and flexible response. Meet experts who shape the agile landscape

    November 13, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at To be confirmed
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Interview Top Tips
Have you an interview scheduled? Congratulations! - Now it’s ...
Negotiating a Pay Rise
When negotiating a pay rise, it is critical you ...
Diversity & Inclusion
International Women’s Day
We'd like to wish all of our clients, candidates ...