
Providing a Different Approach to Delivery

Agile is an iterative delivery method which relies on collaboration to deliver practical, people-focussed results. Whether you’re looking for a Scrum Master, Agile Coach or Delivery Lead, trg.’s community-driven recruitment model allows us to develop personal relationships with agile professionals, developing an understanding of how their methods could benefit your company.

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Upcoming Agile Events
  • Agile Roundabout Nov

    Agile Roundabout Dive deep into the world of rapid iteration and flexible response. Meet experts who shape the agile landscape

    November 20, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at To be confirmed
  • Data Roundabout November

    Data Roundabout Dive deep into the world of rapid iteration and flexible response. Meet experts who shape the agile landscape

    November 13, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at To be confirmed
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Interview Top Tips
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Negotiating a Pay Rise
When negotiating a pay rise, it is critical you ...
Diversity & Inclusion
International Women’s Day
We'd like to wish all of our clients, candidates ...